Off The Beaten Path: Norwegian Cowboys |
Cliff Naylor | 7/1/2012 The Norwegian businessmen got a chance to cowboy-up at the Black Leg Ranch. The day`s docket included moving cattle from pasture to pasture, clay pigeon target practice and an ATV ride around the 10,000 acre ranch.
"We`re all going to saddle up, go on a horseback ride and then drive some cattle, we rotate our cattle quite often so we`re just driving them to greener grass," said Jay Doan.
Jay Doan and his brothers Jerry and Jeremy are fifth generation ranchers. Their family has owned and operated this farm since 1882. They run 4,000 head of cattle and work that massive herd with the help of green horns who stay at their working guest ranch.
"I have been on a horse before...twice," said Anders Peinerd.
The horses sense that this is Peinerd`s first rodeo and he and his foreign friends will need to be eased into the saddle no matter how eagar they are to ride like the wind.
"Loosen up these reins a little bit because if you tighten them he`ll want to go back," Jay said.
Once these beginner buckaroos learn the basics of horsemanship, they head off into the sunset.
"Oye, get on horse," said Lars Rorem.
After the cattle are fenced into a new pasture, it`s time for these rough riders to try their hands at a little target practice.
The Norwegian cowboys prove to be sharp shooters on the rifle range,
A spin around the ranch on all terrain vehicles wraps up a full day on the range
"They may walk a little bull legged after a day experience but it`s all in good fun and they enjoy the time here," said Jeremy Doan.
"I will feel the pain tomorrow but it was great to do it," Rorem said.
The Rolling Plains Adventure ranch has hosted hundreds wrangler wannabes from all over the world, and has managed to keep all of them in the saddle.
For more information on The Rolling Plains Adventure Ranch, visit
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